Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want one version of tar to be in Solaris/OpenSolaris, and I want anyone who 
> is working on it or making mods to be changing that version. I only want the 
> community to have to worry about one tar. tar is just an example, this holds 
> true with most all programs.

This would be the attempt used e.g. on FreeBSD.
I am not sure whether we could make this happen on OpenSolaris too.
But maybe, star is the right "place" to "experiment" in order to find useful 
solutions for a more general case too.

> > So let me repeat my question: Do you like to start a discussion where the
> > questions similar to: "which tar do we keep in future?"
> Yes, or better stated, how can we get to a common tar that will satisfy 
> everyone?

Start with the most featureful one (star) and work on it....

> > > No goals at all. I was just pointing out that the OpenSolaris community
> > > is at a terrible dissadvantage if they maintain more than one version.
> > > The fragmentation will kill us.
> >
> > This did already happen because people decided to create a new distribution
> > instead of helping with an existing one.
> Yes, exactly!;-) The question is how we can get the majority of folks working 
> together on OpenSolaris in a way that as a community we can all help each 
> other rather than reinventing wheels. It's not as if everyone is creating a 
> new wheel, just that some are only re-using some of the spokes.

I believe we need a way to deal with cooperation and cooperation related 
problems. We need yo find out who from the community is a serious developer 
(not counting whether he is inside or outside Sun) and whom to trust in general
for this reason.

We need to find out where others have problems and how to solve them.

Let me add an example I came across last weekend:

in.dhcpd        is present on OpenSolaris but it is unusable because of two 

                -       I cannot be configured by a simple configure scipt
                        but requires to use configurator programs instead.
                        These programs depend on Java that is not part of
                        OpenSolaris and not freely redistributable.

                        As a result, in.dhcpd on OpenSolaris is 100% unusable.

                -       The configuration is so cryptic that I failed a fifth
                        time to understand it and it was another time that I
                        compiled and configured ISC dhcpd instead and configured
                        it within 2 minutes without even reading the man pages.

Well, I need to replace in.dhcpd from Sun by a working program which could be 
ISC dhcpd. Unfortunately Sun's "add_install_client" and similar scripts
depend on Sun dhcpd....well, I could argue that "add_install_client" does not
work correctly for x86 systems and needs to be fixed anyway. 

How do we deal with incompatibilities betweem different distributions 
that (as in this case) are caused by Sun?

> > Deciding on the best way to deal with FOSS additions to Solaris is
> > something that will happen _after_ we found a way to avoid unneeded new
> > distributions and a way to make cooperation happen instead.
> This could be a good point you make. I don't know how to get the 
> distributions 
> working more together though, so I see the future being even more 
> fragmentation for our community in general.

I have no idea either but as I already tried to plead for cooperation to no 
avail, it may be that we need a mediator for this purpose.


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