As a part of ref:

The docs help in testing and mapping for the Type 7
keyboard and scroll feature of the Type 7 mouse for
GNOME and other desktop environment integrations
available in XKB.

I'd like to know if Sun already has some files or
patches for the keyboard and mouse for JDS/GNOME
integration like they do for the older keyboards. 

Ken Mays

--- Alan Coopersmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Xsun has XKB, it's just off by default.   To change
> Xsun on x86 keyboard
> layout, run kdmconfig (as root) and choose a new
> layout.
> Xorg does use XKB by default, and should work fine
> with setxkbmap (though
> we haven't bundled it yet, we should one of these
> days).
>       -Alan Coopersmith-          
>        Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System
> Engineering
> Herr S. Sarholz wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I installed OpenSolaris build 27 on an IBM laptop
> a few days ago.
> > As installation keyboard layout I choose "us".
> > 
> > Is there an ease way to change the layout to "de"
> when running X and to 
> > switch between layouts?
> > (I tryed to change the setting in the Java Desktop
> Menu with no effect)
> > 
> > On Linux I use setxkbmap. I even can log into a
> Linux box with ssh and 
> > use setxkbmap to change the keyboard layout.
> > I also could write a xmodmap file and use xmodmap
> to switch between 
> > layouts, but is there an easyer way?
> > 
> > I had the same problem on a SunBlade workstation.
> But since the Sun X 
> > server has no XKB extension setxkbmap didnot work,
> and I wrote xmodmap 
> > files.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards
> > Samuel
> > 
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