If you've never heard of pkgsrc, have a look at http://www.pkgsrc.org/

Basically pkgsrc is a cross platform package management framework, that has 
support for many different Unix operating systems, not just NetBSD. I use 
pkgsrc quite successfuly on Solaris, however there is still a large number of 
packages that don't build on Solaris, due to a different operating environment 
and compilers (I use SunStudio 11 compilers).

OpenSolaris is pretty much useless on desktop if you can't run your favourite 
web browser, email client, etc. There are a few sites that offer precompiled 
Solaris native packages, but they are not as good as pkgsrc. Also Solaris 
native packaging system sucks, compared to pkgsrc.

I think some people at Sun are aware of pkgsrc (they even donated a few sparc 
machines to NetBSD project). I was wondering if Sun had any plans to adopt 
pkgsrc for OpenSolaris or put more effort behind it. The infrastructure is 
there, what's missing are the people who regularly build packages on Solaris, 
find and fix problems and submit patches.
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