You do realize how simple it is to install OpenSSH from Sunfreeware or
blastwave?  If you don't like Sun's way it would take less time to change
it than it did for me to type this email.

Saying Sun stuff sucks and using Solaris 8 as a reference is a little out
of line.  Solaris 8 is 6 years old.  Try comparing it to a 6 year old
Linux distro and your opinion may be different.  We are running Solaris 10
and I can tell you it is worlds better.


On Tue, 10 Jan 2006, Christopher Mahan wrote:

> Dear Darren,
> Topposting for effect.
> You write below: "I will not be changing this in Solaris."
> What? You are the final arbiter of what goes into Solaris?
> People are coming forward with concern about safety and system
> integrity, and you rebuff them with the "Go play with your marbles on
> the other side of the courtyard and leave the big boys to the serious
> business" attitude?
> I work at a fortune 200, in healthcare, and we are a large Sun
> customer. Let me tell you how it is from the trenches: Sun stuff
> sucks. It's much better than Microsoft or IBM, but it still blows
> chunks.
> We're using Solaris 8, and most of the admins here are clueless,
> asking us inane stuff like hardcoding our user passwords in scripts
> because policy says that we cannot have service accounts (not that I
> am following their advice, mind you). Now, there are a hosts of
> issues, and for brevity's sake, I will not mention them. Let me just
> tell you that Sun's stuff is what I use when I absolutely have no
> other option. I run Debian stable for my own stuff and it's so much
> better for me, lemme tell you.
> So when someone comes along, on their dime, and raises issues about
> security and system integrity, and not being uppity and all "We are
> the BEST company in the world Yayes!" (which if you want more of
> please navigate to, and asking
> in a mild manner and with the spirit of cooperation, whether a tool
> used specifically for enhanced security (SSH) can have a particular
> option, I the very least I expect you to demonstrate professional and
> respectful demeanor.
> On the particular issue, I would consider a flag, such as "Disable OS
> Identification to client" to be an acceptable option for all parties
> to consider.
> Now, to be fair, you may have been having a bad day. We all do from
> time to time. Just don't let your bad day affect the eagerness of
> participants to make this OS/distro better.
> Sincerely,
> Christopher Mahan
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