Sounds like the right time to introduce the OpenSolaris wiki! :)
There is a brand new wikicity for OpenSolaris over here:

I figure this would be a good place for members of the community
to collaborate, contribute articles, etc... at least until we
have an official wiki at

Please feel free to participate.


On 11:18 AM, Bill wrote:
> Are we at the point yet where members of the community can submit articles
> to the OpenSolaris site?
> Awhile back I built a VMware image that would give people a head start on
> OpenSolaris.   Legally I can't distribute it and I am still trying to
> convince some people at Sun to distribute it.  I thought in the meantime I
> could put a short article together to give someone a head start with
> OpenSolaris on VMware.
> Bill Rushmore
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