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Glynn Foster wrote:

> Out of curiousity, anyone keeping track of what Ubuntu have done to
> become the Linux distribution of choice? From every conversation I've

I think ubuntu took the idea or low entry barrier to the limit, they are
actually giving away ubuntu disks for everyone that asks for them, they
even pay for the shipping. In my university for example there is a
little box of ubuntu disk sets for those who want them, distribution is
not a problem for them anymore.
All the previous would be worthless if the distribution was hard to use
so they integrated a very easy to use and good looking gnome based linux
(there is kubuntu now which uses kde instead), thanks to apt it's very
easy to add software since it solves deppendencies automagically and
most of the packaging work had already been done by the debian
community. They also release new versions fequently to keep their
distribution updated
The last part of the puzzle are little projects like roseta, they make
those users without programming skills feel like they are usefull to the
community while saving the tedious work of for example translating to a
new language some of the system components. I think this last part is
the key, they make their users feel usefull and it's also the main
reason I think the Article project is important too

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