On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 00:18, John Plocher wrote:
> Rich Teer wrote:
> > Great idea, but looking ahead, is not "SFW Nevada" a limiting title?
> > Unless Solaris 12's development is also gonna be called Nevada, perhaps
> > the Nevada bit should be dropped?
> Projects exist until they are incorporated into a community, right?  In 
> other words, the Project is to prototype and explore SFW for Nevada, 
> then to do the ARC stuff to get it into ON, then for it to go away 
> because its work is complete.

NO SFW != ON as you should know.  Also SFW is not a prototype it
is the consolidation where stuff like Apache, Samba etc is built.
Some of that stuff gets dumped into /usr/sfw and some of it appears
in much friendlier places like /usr/bin and /etc/apache[2].

This project is about the SFW consolidation for Nevada.  Unlike
the ON consolidation the future of the SFW consolidation is less

> I certainly could see another project called "SFW for Solaris12" when 
> the time comes, though I hope that other software distribution 
> mechanisms will be in place before then ( i.e., blastwave, sunfreeware, 
> debian, etc...)

and thats one of the things the SFW/CCD Community needs to decided

Darren J Moffat 

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