Mike Kupfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry for the late response.  I moved last week, and I'm still catching
> up on mail (and unpacking).
> Joerg> I know, and from what I have been told, another engineer has been
> Joerg> assigned to this job. From what Mike Kupfer told me, this person
> Joerg> should have contacted me more than 2 months ago.....
> Well, this person wasn't assigned, he volunteered to do it in addition
> to his other responsibilities.  So I assume his other responsibilities
> have taken up enough of his time that he hasn't gotten to the star work.
> I can understand that happening, but it doesn't work well to leave the
> submitter (i.e., Joerg) hanging.  At some point it would have been much
> better to send mail saying "sorry guys, I'm just too busy".

Hi Mike,

any news about star integration?


 EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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