> Hello All,
> The OpenSolaris Project is a monster of a project.
> t.  By my count we've 
> got 38 communities, 5 projects, 93 mailing lists
> (many of those are the 
> OSUG lists), and hundreds of blogs.  This is
> absolutely no way to stay 
> informed about whats happening in the project, and
> where people are 
> needed at any given time, especially for those of us
> trying to work in 
> multiple areas of the project. 
> I think that was we really need to keep people
> le informed is a weekly 
> report on the project as a whole.  This is the sort
> of thing done by a 
> lot of the larger open source projects out there.
>  For an example, check 
> out "The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News": 
> http://www.tldp.org/ldpwn/20051102.html
> I put this out as a request because this is
> is undoubtedly a full time 
> job.  The idea would be to produce a weekly spot that
> outlined, in a 
> very condensed form, everything thats going on.  
> Ultimately, it would be neat to have both a web
> eb based report but also 
> an OpenSolaris PodCast to go along with it, perhaps
> picking up Richard 
> Giles torch and building upon what he started.
> This would be a great opportunity for someone who
> ho isn't sure how to 
> contribute but is really enthusiastic.  I'd like to
> fill this role 
> myself but just don't have the time.
> If you're interested respond to this thread, or
> or even better yet, just 
> go for it and lets see how things go!

Good idea. Happy to help. I think you'll need several people to collaborate on 
this, though. It's just too big (and will only get bigger and move faster) for 
one person to speak authoritatively about. It would be great to have some 
summaries of the mail lists, too.

Currently, we are welcoming community contributions to the newsletter, which is 
monthly at this point. We'd like to grow it substantially. And in the content 
project, I'd love to do some multi-media stuff with podcasts (would love some 
equipment for that, too :)). I can easily see representatives from multiple 
communities/projects getting involved with an idea like this.

Jim Grisanzio, Community Manager, OpenSolaris
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