

I'm hitting some problems with Solaris guest installations in VMware
(e.g. Solaris being the guest in a VMware VM):
Sometimes the clock is going out-of-sync. I configured "xntpd" to
counteract these issues - but suddenly at one point all hell breaks
-- snip --
Mar  4 08:41:33 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 2.586803 s
Mar  4 09:00:26 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 1.232798 s
Mar  4 09:41:23 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 1.362310 s
Mar  4 09:54:27 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 0.871155 s
Mar  4 10:10:06 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 1.484290 s
Mar  4 10:22:17 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 1.554894 s
Mar  4 10:34:28 s10test001 xntpd[197]: [ID 774427 daemon.notice] time
reset (step) 1.523908 s
Mar  4 10:43:09 s10test001 genunix: [ID 982299 kern.warning] WARNING:
Time of Day clock error: reason [Changed in Clock Rate]. --  Stopped
tracking Time Of Day clock.
-- snip --
Beyond this kernel warning the OS clock drifs away from the host system
(usually four or more hours per day!!), causing various problems at NFS,
NIS+/SecureRPC and Kerberos level.

Restarting xntpd readjusts the clock - but only for the restart and it
does not sync the clock anymore beyond that point (which suprises me a
lot). Heavy swapping at the host OS level (e.g. the operating system in
which the VMware VM runs; the whole memory of the virtual PC environment
is swappable at the host operating system level :-) ) makes this problem
even worse to a point that stuff like "gmake" (on NFS shared home dirs)
and the services listed above start to fail randomly.

Guest is running Solaris 10 Update 1 (kernel patch 118844-26), host OS
is SuSE Linux 10.0, VMware version is 5.5.1 build 19175
/etc/inet/ntp.conf simply looks like this:
-- snip --
% cat /etc/inet/ntp.conf 
server ns1.hrz.uni-giessen.de
-- snip --

Ideas/suggestions/comments welcome...



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