The Sun Studio 10 license for OpenSolaris participants allows one to use the free software for any type of development- whether OpenSolaris-related or not.

The reason the license is worded the way it is, is b/c:

- Sun Studio 10 was an established fee-based product prior to OpenSolaris - With the advent of OpenSolaris, we wanted to balance the needs of the community (free tools) with those of an established business - Sun Studio 10 is available for free for OpenSolaris participants for any type of development (e.g., enable/encourage the community) - Sun Studio 10 continues to be available for a fee-based license (e.g., manage the business)

We simplified the story with Sun Studio 11- available for free across the board. However, Sun Studio 10 for OpenSolaris is specifically packaged, with the appropriate patches, to build OpenSolaris and should continued to be used for such. You can legally use Sun Studio 10 for OpenSolaris for non-OpenSolaris app development, but I'd highly encourage folks to look at Sun Studio 11. (latest and greatest!)

Hopefully, I'm elucidating the situation, but I can further clarify if that helps.



Roland Mainz wrote:
Joerg Schilling wrote:
"Felix Schulte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I asked a simple question and described my problem. Why are you beating me?
You did claim that Studio 10 is not free of charge.

Moreover he is unable to read his email correctly. My original list
posting about the issue simply said "... our lawyers think it _MAY_
cause legal issues [due lack of an explicit statement whether this
installation of Studio 10 can be used for other, non-OpenSolaris work,
too] ...". So far they're unsure and I followed the advice and simply
installed Studio 11 everywhere. This was just lazyness (e.g. noone cared
to invest more time to figure-out the exact status) ...



Kuldip Oberoi
Product Line Manager, Sun Studio
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
650.786.0149 (x80149)

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