Holger Berger wrote:
I wasn't directly involved in the 64K prototype but only 64K and larger
were used for user applications, and the page_t was 64K in span
(PAGESIZE=65536). There may have been some 8K mappings in the kernel due
to OBP handing off translation lists with holes -- I don't remember the
details there.

Who was involved in this project?

I don't believe any of the folks involved directly are active in OpenSolaris yet, so to avoid having vegetables thrown at me I won't say. :)

Did you receive any answers yet? I'd like to write a project proposal
for a 64k kernel project - assuming Sun is willing to release the
sources of their original prototype.

Great -- by all means, go for it!

We'll need to figure out which community should own this project long-term. We've been reluctant to build a VM community because several of us feel that a broader kernel community would better facilitate open discussion and collaboration, yet such a community would have significant overlap with existing communities, so that still needs some sorting out. For the time being, I think the Performance community would be a good home for it -- check with the leaders.

I did check into the source issue a little but haven't had the bandwidth to investigate the details yet. The old project gate is based on S9, so we can't just "toss it over the wall". If you're open to a partially complete starter solution to seed the work, i.e. which doesn't quite boot and run on all machines but has most of the right areas at least fleshed out, that would probably be much easier for me to push for on my end.

It depends on the application. For the majority of smaller and medium
sized applications such as FEM 64k pages have a serious advantage. I/O
operations are limited by dwarfpages, too. MPSS buys nothing in this

Our whole kernel I/O subsystem is not large page aware, which is something that clearly needs work, you're right about that. (And, the fact that the bus nexus internal interfaces are all page-based is a perfect example of why this is so hard to change!)

- Eric
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