On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 12:16 +1200, Glynn Foster wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 14:40 -0800, Erast Benson wrote:
> > > ALl the more reason for those driver developers to abandon Linux and
> > > target OpenSolaris!
> > 
> > Indeed! The question is what we can do to speed up the "conversion"?
> > 
> > I feel like not all of Linux kernel folks even understand the beauty of
> > stable kernel interfaces. I feel like we (OpenSolaris community) need to
> > educate independent Linux developers in this regard.
> What, are you kidding me? ;)
> http://lwn.net/Articles/173209/
> "Stable: Interfaces classified as stable will not break 'for at least
> two years', and probably quite a bit longer. The Linux system call
> interface is classified in this way"
> [see the ABI stability documentation section]

So, what? :-) What is your point exactly?

these talks on lkml to make kernel API stable been for years... so far
little really happening in this regard, especially when you start to
consider to write driver for multiple distros, i.e. SuSE, RedHat,
Ubuntu, etc.. May be LSB 3.x will change this? But I think it will take
quite a bit of time before every single distro vendor will follow the
LSB instructions.


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