> Seconded. I really love Solaris (now... I've seen the
> light!) - but forget
> doing DVD installs. I can literally *hear* the drive
> spinning up and down
> repeatedly. I have no problem when transferring
> contiguous files from the
> dvd once Solaris is installed, it is almost certainly
> something related to
> the install/installer/etc. When it takes me less time
> to download all 5
> parts of the dvd, cat them together (on a Solaris 10
> machine) and transfer
> to a machine with a dvd burner, AND burn the dvd then
> it does to simply
> install Solaris, something is wrong. Yes, that's
> exactly what I did. I
> managed to do all that with SX's DVD image while
> installing S10U1 on a
> relatively fast machine. It's not the drive or the
> interface, as I said -
> once installed I have no problem reading from dvd's
> quite acceptably.

Well --

You're only supposed to go through installing from CD/DVD once, then create a 
Flash(TM) archive and install from the network afterwards.

I have systems installing roughly 4.3GB of data in less than 20 minutes, from 
start to finish using Flash(TM) flar archives and NFS.

Bonus: after the system is flashed, it is already configured exactly as the 
master from which the image was made, and comes with all the SW I installed on 
the master -- all already preconfigured!
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