Dennis Clarke writes:
> SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands                 vipw(1B)

That's a key phrase there.  It doesn't say "museum artifact," but it

>      /usr/ucb/vipw
> This system is a Solaris Neveda build 35 system complete with a 800G ZFS
> pool and I can not find this vipw in my PATH.  I look around and find it
> here :

I hope it wasn't too long of a search.

>       DESC:  utilities for user interface and source build compatibility
> with SunOS 4.x
> That does say "source build compatibility with SunOS 4.x" there right?

No, it says "user interface and source build."  The package has
several things in it.

> Thus I sit with coffee in hand and hope for some illumination please.  If
> not for my sake then to perhaps put some old ways of doing things to rest.

Illumination as to *what*?  If the question is why we don't remove (or
even intentionally break) things without an explicit obsolescence
period and a transition plan, then the answer is that this is the
*Solaris* way.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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