> On 4/11/06, Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
>>     Do we need vipw to safely edit the /etc/passwd file ?
> YES!!! absolutely, people make mistakes, and no one wants to go down
> to the datacenter or even the basement, and boot the system with an
> emergency disk or install disk to fix broken passwd files.
> [snip]
[ brutal snippage ]

  The blunt point that I was trying to dig with has been missed it seems.

  What I am really saying is that one who needs to directly edit the
/etc/passwd file is most likely living in the past.  I feel that the files
responsible for user login data should be abstracted beneath a layer of
protective devices like usermod.  The vipw tool is an artifact of
historical value only and if we continue to rely on the structure of a,
excuse me, a simple text file for user login data then I fail to see how
UNIX/Solaris ( or Linux ) will move forwards to more abstract ways of
dealing with users and the administration of them.

Dennis Clarke

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