On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Eric Lowe wrote:

> Peter Buckingham wrote:
> > There was some discussion about having a more technical mailing
> > list/community ala freebsd hackers/lkml/...
> >
> > Was there any progress made on that? I'm definitely interested in
> > discoverying/learning more about the internals of Solaris.
> It has been discussed, but there is some grumbling that
> opensolaris-discuss is still OK for this kind of discussion since we
> haven't reached the threshold of pain yet as far as traffic. There has
> also been a fair amount of this type of traffic on opensolaris-code,
> although that list should be going away soon...

I would like to propose a highly technical kernel related mailing
list/project - name TBD (chosen via discussion) per the original (failed
community) proposal by Eric Lowe.  Essentially I am proposing the "Eric
Lowe" project/list of his behalf or by proxy, if you will.

The list would be a moderated list to ensure that the signal to noise ratio
is maintained over the long term.  This would be our first OpenSolaris
moderated list and it should be considered an experiment that will be
successfull or unsuccessfull based on the number of active participants,
the quality of the postings and the ability of the moderators to ensure
timely postings and to refer off-topic posts to other, more appropriate,
unmoderated, lists.

Ultimately the community will decide if they like the list being moderated.
And it could be "converted" into an unmoderated list in the future if the
experiment is deemed unsuccessful.

IMHO we need a highly technical list with good signal/noise ratio and it
will attract those talented developers/contributors based on its technical
content and retain them based on the fact that they won't have to wade
through tons of off-topic or low-tech posts.  In my experience there is a
co-relation between telented developers, their available time to
participate on mailing lists and their tolerance towards list "noise".

As an aside, I've noticed that everytime someone proposes a new project
they are immediatly "punished" for the "we have too many
communities/projects/lists already", previous committed, "sins" of others.
IMO we should not punish the proposer(s) of a new community/project for
lists/projects they likely had no part in creating.  Dealing with the
'too-many-projects-lists"  issue is a separate issue which must/will be
dealt with in time.

PS: I will also make myself available as a moderator for the proposed list.


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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