> which I rarely ever need as I rarely edit the
> /etc/passwd file directly.

You and me both. But what about others?

> You are more likely to get a stream of other answers
> also.  Less expected.


This one made me laugh! Honestly Dennis! Thanks for making my day!

> I swear it was just a experimental thing!  This is
> not some life style
> choice and maybe I can explain that it was dark and
> late at night and I
> wasn't thinking clearly.  :-)

"It was a dark and stormy night, and two hobos were sittin' on a train, and one 
hobo said to the other hobo..." (;-)

> Do I get tarred and feathered and dragged around the
> town by my horse now?

Nah, but just because you're DC, so you get special treatment. Otherwise, it'd 
get a lot uglier than that. (:-)

> who does ?
> I don't.
> But with the way things are going that may happen
> next.

I wonder what the coffee is that you've been drinking lately... and is that 
`vim` insetad of `vi`?!?!?!

> Its totally bloody absurd and completely minor.  We
> are both living in the
> past to think its an important thing in either
> direction.

Then how about yinz fellas fix the CSW repos and add /etc/opt/csw and 
/var/opt/csw to make yourselves compliant with the Sys V mandate (and save me 
from doing two `installf`s to CSWcommon every time?

You know, you really should keep data stuff in /var/opt/<product-name>/...
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