Hugh McIntyre writes:
> Perhaps what's needed is what Fink does on MacOS X.  There are a few 
> pseudo-packages such as X11 that can be satisfied by more than one real 
> package, such as "system-x11" (Apple's version) or "" (from fink).

That's also what Debian does.  That fixes the dependency problem, but
doesn't fix the path problem.

The path problem for libraries is that if one installs as


and the other installs as


then one can't really satisfy the other.  The user is forced straight
into LD_LIBRARY_PATH or crle(1) hell, and that's just not right.

And it's not just libraries.  Regular applications that are invoked by
scripts (would you like /opt/csw/bin/wget or /opt/sfw/bin/wget or
/usr/bin/wget to be found?) run into the path problem as well.

And then there are all of the ancillary bits, like man and info pages,
data files, configuration interfaces, and so on.

We need to fix those problems once and for all if any sort of common-
dependency mechanism is going to be useful.  The alternative is to
nuke /opt from the system and just install everything under /usr.

> Certainly I'm also a user of Blastwave, although like Bart's recent 
> comment, it would be nice if there could be less replacement of internal 
> packages.

Not just "would be nice."  I don't care about the disk space (I use
Blastwave regularly and enjoy it; the CCD bits are just too stale for
me).  What I do care about is the library tragedy.  Having two
separate libraries on the system that implement the same thing is
toxic to applications: you're just one dynamic link away from a
mystifying core dump.

(This is in part why you rarely ever find more than one

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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