On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 09:53:44AM +0200, Robert Milkowski wrote:
> PB> [really, it should give the patches to openssl.org. but barring that,
> PB>  it would be nice to see a patch set just posted somewhere, like
> PB>   opensolaris.org]
> http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/on/usr/src/common/openssl/
> ?

That's not "patches". That's "the source that sun uses".
The blastwave maintainers shouldnt have to deal with diffing out patches;
the sun folks should, since they have to do it for themselves anyway :-)

> Then Blastwave's OpenSSL is compilled without frame pointers which
> makes using DTrace harder...


This is not a deliberate thing. Apparently, it's just a side-effect of
using sun compilers with the -fast option.

> And I don't know who's fault it is - the point is that Blastwave is
> not always a best choice and some kind of competition won't hurt it.

Having user FEEDBACK, helps even more than having "competition".

Not once in the [mumble] number of years do I recall seeing a single user
reference to, "Hey, your openssl doesnt work well with dtrace because there
are no frame pointer refs compiled in"

Please email me off-list as to whether the frame pointer issue is on x86,
or sparc, or both.
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