So far, three systems have come to pass which are
impressive for auto porting code to Solaris:

1. Portaris (Gentoo's Portage for Solaris)
2. Nexenta's Autobuilder
3. Blastwave's SVN/builder (maintained by Cory)

There are the others done by NetBSD, OpenPKG, and many
other people porting open software to Solaris.

Gentoo has one of the most impressive GUI type systems
which tells you the package versions that have passed
within a certain app/lib across multiple platforms.

Debian's buildd system is impressive in that you can
see the most current packages being compiled and if
they were successful or not. Very simple, yet
stability and access to the site has varied over the
years. A key thing to think about for developer

As for the Companion DVD, a lot of software on the
Nevada builds are more updated so just keeping the DVD
updated is good. Mainly, what software you'd find
within a Suse 10 DVD. You'd want to basically load up
Solaris and Suse and be able to compile and run
applications within both enviroments without too many

Reality is this takes a little time and effort to get
apps ported to Solaris and having to deal with
dependancies of other libs. Time consuming for most
maintainers if those libs are not available (or
difficult to port because of OS implementation

Other than that, the high level processes and
procedures on how all of this work is going to get

Ken Mays
Earthlink, Inc.

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