Holger Berger wrote:

On 5/2/06, Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For example
Teamware needs ws(1) and wx(1) utility software to be useful for ON
development on a large scale but you can cope without them.

Also I'm sure I heard somewhere else that there was a pretty darn large
other open source project also moving to Mercurial, can't remember which

FreeBSD was evaluating Mercurial, but the last comments from LinuxTag
2005 indicate that they are stepping back from that idea.

FWIW, both FreeBSD and NetBSD currently use CVS for their projects and
while there are "known issues" with CVS, so far evaluations of other
tools (ie. SVN) have failed to produce compelling reasons to switch.

But the organisation of and the manner in which developers function is
vastly different to those for Solaris inside of Sun, which is to say
while Mercurial may work for Sun inside, it doesn't necessarily mean
it would work for other projects (like FreeBSD) and vice versa with CVS.

Each project should measure its needs against what code management
software provides and evaluate them accordingly.  There's no golden
rule to say that X is the best software management tool to use in
all situations.


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