On 5/4/06, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am sure you know what I meant.  What's been
> bothering me is that, most MB makers use the same
> embedded NIC, but the Solaris developers seem
> extremely persistent not to include the
> implementation (detection & installation) of this
> driver in the "official release" (whatever that
> means).  I have been out of the Solaris loop for
> quite a while, exception playing with the LiveCDs
> whenever a new version popped up.  Perhaps the
> situation has improved.  But it doesn't appear to be
> so.
> By excluding the low-end-but most ubiquitous-LAN
> driver from the distro, the Solaris team is cutting
> off millions of Solaris-wannabes from the bottom of
> the food chain.  Perhaps there is a perfectly good
> reason for doing that, but this is IMHO too high a
> price to pay.

You can get this driver prepackaged from Juergen Keil's site, under "Community DU 

I downloaded it directly from Murayama-san, compiled it for SPARC and packaged 
it myself.

That is all well and good, I do the same myself.  However, if it were
to be included with the main OpenSolaris kernel I wouldn't have to go
through the trouble of modifying x86.miniroot every now and then so I
can do net installs.

It is under a BSD license as well.

Eric Enright
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