> My manager asked me if I could a mirror copy of our
> /var/mail on another system, just in case the system
> went down. He suggested that Windows has DFS
> (Distributed File System) and I said I would look
> into it.
> Over the weekend I thought of CacheFS which comes
> will solaris which allows you to have a local copy of
> a network drive, so that it can improve the "NFS
> server performance and scalability by reducing server
> and network load.". My joy was short lived when I
> relaises that when the server goes down your local
> copy of that NFS is not accessable.
> I don't see why CacheFS can not work in this
> situation, so that if there is a local version of the
> file use it and not just hang.......
> Any thoughts or has any one got a good
> Solaris/OpenSolaris solution to my problem.

What you need is:

- an FC switch (not a must if you use e.g. an A5200)
- FC storage
- min. two systems
- SVM configured to use disksets
- SunPlex clustering SW (free)
- an NFS cluster config.
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