YJ Fan wrote:
Our company is make library software that need sevel ports connection. When 
going to solaris 10, they started to use xinetd. After I showed how ease of the 
smf, now they are using smf-inetd. but still the xined existed for the port 

server1 access server
server2 oracle db server

on server2: the oracle is listening on 1521 (default)

then on server1 for xinetd.conf:
service db1.oralisten
        socket_type             = stream
        wait                    = no
        only_from               = xxx.xxx.0.0/16 xx.xx.xx.0/24
        user                    = root
        bind                    = server1
        redirect                = server2 1521
        log_on_failure          += USERID

is there a same function on solaris 10?

No, there isn't. If this is seen as valuable, filing an RFE to record the request (and then working with the Networking community on implementing it!) is your path to happiness.

Nobody's ever requested this feature before, as far as I know.

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