*) If I understand you you correctly and you like to see a tool that is able to
do this with any unknown random feature. You would always hand code tests for some of the OS features.

Well, in some way.  But you could have a library with a lot of common
features and symbols.

People also do not test for all the things they use (which is wrong
but also cumbersome; all you can really rely on, I think, is the ANSI C
library function set.

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

So what is needed is a tool that examines a working program
and it's libraries, and produces a configure script. It would
flag functions that have no configure support or that are known
not to be portable.

This would mean that properly written configure macros for
various features would need to be generally available.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://blogs.sun.com/barts
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