The site has been updated. Please report any issues or problems to website-discuss.

List of changes:

  * Page names are not required to be unique within their space.
  * Objects can have mixed-case names.
  * Search results will include a list of categories of results.
  * Multiple search results for the same blog entry will be aggregated.
  * The unused "Builds" feature has been removed.
  * Fixed TML bugs.
  * Changed several administrative features.
  * Jive message bodies will be displayed in a mono spaced font.

More Detail:

*Replace forum name with forum path in digest watch template*

Currently, the digest watch template includes the forum name when listing new messages. The site has been modified so that the forum's path (e.g., "OpenSolaris: request-sponsor") is displayed instead of the forum name.

*Change display of message body in Jive Forums*

The site has been modified so that the body of each message is displayed in a mono-spaced font.

*Change uniqueness constraint for page names*

The site has been modified so that a page's name will only be required to be unique within its siblings. This will allow, for example, the following page paths:


*Allow objects to have mixed-case names*

Before all object names were converted to lower case.

*Various TML bugs*

The following TML bugs were fixed.

Improper escaping of ")"
Ex: Building and Installing OpenSolaris ([Part 1](/os/community/tools/building_opensolaris/), [Part 2](/os/community/tools/building_opensolaris_part2/))

Nested bullets
1. one
+ A
 + A
 + B
+ A
2. two
3. three

Two dashes ("--") are converted into an em-dash, unable top use escape character to generate two dashes.

*Filter Search Results*

On the site search results page a third column has been added that lists the various object types in the application, including, Pages, Attachments, Announcements, News Items, and Blogs. In addition to the list of object types, the total matching objects of that type will be listed in parentheses. If a user clicks on one of the links, it will execute the search again and show only the matching entries for the object type and the search term.

*Modify the Search Results to aggregate the results for the same blog entry*

The search results can contain multiple matches for the same blog entry. This can occur when the blog feed is used in more than one community or project.

The duplicate results are now consolidated into a single entry with all of the paths to the spaces listed at the bottom. For example, instead of showing 5 instances of the entry, the following would be displayed:

[blog]<link to Jim's blog entry>
by Jim Grisanzio
Bonnie Corwin updated ...
<path1 to page>
<path2 to page>
<path3 to page>
<path4 to page>
<path5 to page>

If you have questions or want to discuss the changes in more detail, please use website-discuss.


Derek Cicero
Program Manager
Solaris Kernel Group, Software Division

opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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