On May 30, 2006, at 3:27 PM, Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:

Given SUN's payment of $200million to SCO (for not alot of stuff IMHO), the reliability of "SUN" as a "Linux partner" comes into question - slam Linux, then provide middleware for it.

Do you mind not spreading absolute FUD? Do you have any sources? No. You want to know why? Here:

SCO's regulatory filings showed the TOTAL VALUE of the Sun/MS deals (with SCO) to be 13.2 million dollars. Sun was also offered the opportunity to purchase 210,000 thousand shares of SCO at $1.83 ($384,300 total.) I don't know if they exercised this option, but it was available. Assuming they did, and assuming MS gave SCO $0, then Sun (at most) gave SCO the 13.2 million + another $384,300. At *most*. Here's one source:
Now, supposedly the licensing deal was 9.3 million. I can't verify this, because I didn't see the report itself when it came out (and I can't be bothered to research it) but assuming that figure is correct (and we know the cap is 13.2 million) then Sun *at most* put $10 million into SCO. That's nothing, compared to costs of litigation and so forth. It's a drop in the bucket. Here: http://news.com.com/Fact+and+fiction+in+the+Microsoft-SCO +relationship/2100-7344_3-5450515.html

Now, please, unless you want to back up your $200 million figure, please go crawl back into the hole from which you came, with this utterly ridiculous crap you are so keen to spread. It's really getting old to listen to your constant attempted character assassination of Sun, as if it's your mortal enemy. This discussion list is here for people to discuss OSOL, in general, both positive and negatives - CONSTRUCTIVELY. Simply flaming Sun and spouting absolute nonsense doesn't fall into that kind of activity, and it absolutely makes this mailing list painful to read at times. If you don't have anything useful to say, simply say nothing. Nobody wants to listen to FUD, and I don't want people who are here to learn about OSOL and contribute to OSOL to have to deal with this kind of silliness. Some people are going to assume what you say is true, and get turned off to Sun, and OSOL. This is not cool. I don't like spending my evenings reading inflammatory emails, with absolutely no useful content, either. So please, either contribute to the community in a positive manner, or don't bother.

If SUN wishes to get the OSS world to start using Studio 11 as the compiler of choice for Linux, then SUN needs to mend ALOT of bridges with the OSS community - how about offering a version for FreeBSD, have double the participation?

I think this might be a good road to take in the future, but unless some more evangelism goes on, nobody is going to have a clue what Studio 11 is, much less know why they should use it over GCC. That's the barrier to entry. People have to know it exists, and they have to have a reason to use it. Making a FreeBSD port won't solve either of these two problems. Now, once those two problems are sorted out, THEN a FreeBSD port would be wonderful (I'm a long-time FreeBSD guy myself..)

<rant> As a side note, why the heck doesn't Sun opensource Java, JFC! the money is made off the middleware, not the framework. As for an "internal debate" - excuse me Johnnathon, but who is running the company? make a damn decision, and those who don't like it, show them the door.

This has been discussed to death, and you should watch the stuff from the recent Java conference. There was clarification on this matter. My understanding (hopefully correct) is the plan *is* to open-source Java, it is being determined what the best route to take is that will keep Java *Java* without a half-gazillion forks everywhere, and while also pleasing the legal and economic beats inside Sun. This is a *huge* undertaking, and it is not something that Sun can afford to take lightly. I'd rather Sun sorts all this out, and open-sources Java when it's ready, so I don't have to deal with the kinds of problems that could emerge from poor planning.

Respectfully - but upset,

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