Alan DuBoff writes:
> On Friday 02 June 2006 07:38 am, James Carlson wrote:
> > I don't see how having an accumulation of source code that's known to
> > work on a particular operating system (and some of which that might
> > have needed to be tweaked to do so) is itself a bad thing.  In fact, I
> > think it's helpful for those who are building distributions.
> I agree, it is EXCELLENT! What is bad is that somehow it is being twisted by 
> folks such as yourself that OpenSolaris includes those projects as well, and 
> this is just not so.

I don't think I'm twisting anything here, nor do I believe that I'm
making or implying the sorts of assertions that you say I am.

Having a project that (for instance) ports or maintains some bit of
non-Sun-originated open source code for the benefit of the Open
Solaris community seems like a perfectly valid thing to do, and well
within the scope of Open Solaris.  It does not seem twisted to say
that this project (the effort required to maintain the port) can in
fact be part of Open Solaris, if the participants wish to make it so.

Now, it might be more efficient and happier for all if the original
maintainer adopted this work or if the participants worked on the
upstream bits themselves.  That doesn't always happen, nor
(unfortunately) is it always pursued as well as it should be, but that
alone doesn't mean that the current scheme is "twisted."  It's no more
twisted than (say) the various RedHat and BSD-related sites (SRPMS,
ports) that have packaged and tweaked versions of those same open
source projects for those other platforms.

Plus, if you look at the download site, you'll see that it is *NOT*
just ON and a couple of ostensibly open source bits.  More of Solaris
is now in Open Solaris.  Please don't equate Open Solaris with just

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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