Jim Grisanzio wrote:
Joerg and Thomas are correct to point out the
university issue, but things will turn around.
Sun, this is being taken seriously.
I would like to make a suggestion, and task you
specifically to take that suggestion back to the Sun
education and marketing execs, provided you are
willing to take on this task.

My suggestion is to devote a certain number of Sun
Educational resources, in terms of instructors, to
giving free Solaris sysadmin I and II courses in

The students would perhaps still have to pay for the
certification vouchers, but attending the sysadmin
certification courses would be free.

If SunEd feels that this would cost too much money,
perhaps a portion of the marketing funds could be
diverted to that end. It is, after all, ultimately
advertizing Solaris to the future technology and
decision makers, i.e. potential Sun customers of

Happy to float the idea. I'm not sure what they offer now (other than what OpenSolaris is doing), but all ideas are always welcome.


I think Teresa Giacomini and others are doing just this--in a manner of speaking. There have been Collateral Packs created and distributed--top 10 CS departments have been indentified and approached. We have alot of adoption in universities in Bangalore and other regions of India --also in China.  Dartmouth College has a going project for OpenSolaris and in general, Sun's EDU marketing program "includes" OpenSolaris information with a call to action for getting on board.

Many of your ideas above are excellent--and maybe Teresa or Patrick can give further updates on specifics --maybe some of these ideas are in planning already.  If so, maybe there's an opportunity for community members who are affiliated with Universities to join Teresa's efforts and help get the word out!


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