
Of course there is interest! Thanks for all your thoughts and offers. Teresa and I will discuss and will be back in touch with you. To an extent, some marketing money is spent on education already, although not in the direct "education credits" manner that you suggest. It should be quite easy for us to figure out the cost and reach of the proposal.

Please do bear in mind that North America and Europe will have very different cost structures to China, India, Brazil, Russia though!

I'd also encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas and energy with the edu-discuss list. We'll be in touch - in the meantime, you have my email address too ;)



UNIX admin wrote:
Many of your ideas above are excellent--and maybe
Teresa or Patrick can
give further updates on specifics --maybe some of
these ideas are in
planning already.  If so, maybe there's an
opportunity for community
members who are affiliated with Universities to join
Teresa's efforts
and help get the word out!<br>

Well I am not affiliated with any organization or university, but I am willing 
to teach the Solaris 10 I and II course materials to students or pretty much 
anyone interested in Solaris and Solaris certification.

I would be able to teach Mon-Sat in the evenings, so if there is interest from 
Sun, you have my e-mail address.
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