>>  This image is actually a
>> rop of a much larger image at 4096x3072 pixels.  Then
>> I cropped out the
>> 1600x1200 section here and that bland column really
>> sticks out.
> How about a widescreen 1920x1200 version to fit natively on Sun's largest
> LCD?  Consideration would then have to be made for different aspect ratio
> displays cropped content.

OKay .. I'll see if I can get that for you.

I hit a snag however, I have to move the logo and text around.  Or get rid
of it entirely because its intrusive and serves little purpose really.  I
tried to embed the logo into the glass object but that resulted in a
bizillion refracted and twisted versions all over the place in it.  real

I tried different refractive indexes also and some were just weird looking. 
I am not using photon effects or the cration of caustics in the transmission
thus there is no real sparkle.

I wanted to try some experiments with those effects but I need a teraflop
grid to get any reasonable results fast enough to make changes.

> Also, what about having the transparency object much brighter, luminescent,
> and more diamond-like in material?

I did try a slight luminescent with some media hanging in the air but I end
up with another gawdy ugly thing with light beams flying out of it.

> Frankly, the current lighting doesn't
> yet "reflect" the bright, clean, and exceptionally strong nature of Solaris.
>  ;)

Ah yes .. I got some feedback to that effect and I was working to put some
"real" texture on the surrounding structure.

> What program did you render this with?  Blender?  http://www.blender.org

Whoa !  er .. no .

Blender looks to be for real artists :


No I used POVRay because I have been using it for about a decade now.  More
or less.  If one has ample CPU horsepower and lots of time to fiddle with
effects then you can get very real looking renders :


> Would you consider open-sourcing your data file for further development
> and/or collaboration?

Sure !

But you won't be happy :-\   ( or maybe you will )

I was plowing along at high speed and making this change and making that
change and I would save intermittent images and sometimes I would run a
higer res test but I was not _really_ diligent enough with aving the source
scene file and I have made changes and now I can not get back to that
precise image result.

So I have plowed on towards making the central object no long made out of

Now its made out of stars in space !

I will run this last render and then post the POV file aswell as a sample
image and then maybe we can work together on it.

Or trash it entirely and start over :-)

either way is fun ...

by the way .. just wanted to point out that we don't need t ostick to POVRay
renders and people could just walk outside and take a photograph and then
stick a logo on it.  I guess.

Dennis Clarke

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