>  This image is actually a
> rop of a much larger image at 4096x3072 pixels.  Then
> I cropped out the
> 1600x1200 section here and that bland column really
> sticks out.

How about a widescreen 1920x1200 version to fit natively on Sun's largest LCD?  
Consideration would then have to be made for different aspect ratio displays 
cropped content.

Also, what about having the transparency object much brighter, luminescent, and 
more diamond-like in material?  Frankly, the current lighting doesn't yet 
"reflect" the bright, clean, and exceptionally strong nature of Solaris.  ;)

What program did you render this with?  Blender?  http://www.blender.org

Would you consider open-sourcing your data file for further development and/or 

-Wes Williams
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