Hey all,

I've been playing around with an IRC chat applet for opensolaris.org.
I selected the nice pjirc client (www.pjirc.com/) and configured it.
After some doing some somewhat ugly javascript wackery, I have it
working here:


And as a popup on the home page (look in the yellow "Squawk Box").
Note that if you are behind a firewall (like, sadly, Sun's), this
applet will fail to connect to the IRC server.

I don't know if we'll leave this up on the site forever, but I thought
IRC would be a nice way to get the community to gather (and to invite
in some new friends) on the 6/14 for a sort of virtual worldwide party.

I'd of course appreciate problem reports, as I have a little over 36
hours left to fix this prior to the birthday celebration kickoff :)
So far the folks in #opensolaris have been kindly helping me to test.

I have currently configured it to go to #opensolaris, but of course
we could alter that to #opensolaris-party or something else in the
event that the trolls show up :)  It isn't my intention to flood
out #opensolaris.


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
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