On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 04:00:28PM -0700, Erast Benson wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 23:46 +0100, Peter Tribble wrote:
> >  - can I request a specific version?
> yes

Thats not exactly true. Only if the archive happens to keep old versions,
or if its a "gcc3" vs "gcc4" thing, where people are explicitly packaging
up multiple versions as "current" versions/variants of the software.

> >  - can I control the installed location?
> yes, via apt-build or in zones, oops you need Nexenta then :-)

What's a 'zone'? you mean like solaris zone? if so, sounds like "no" to me.

apt-build sounds like, "no, you have to rebuild the package and customize

> >  - can I install multiple copies of the same version in different
> > locations?
> yes, via apt-build

"no, you have to rebuild the package and customize it"

> >  - can I install multiple versions?
> sure

"if they are packaged up to install to separate non-conflicting locations

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