> He is right handed and like a lot of right handed people he simply moved his
> hand to the numeric keypad and hit the "1" key.  But the numlock option on
> the keyboard is not on when you boot the Solaris CDROM and thus he got
> "garbage".  Since the backspace key has never worked right he got more of
> the same "garbage" on the screen.

 And lots of folks (myself included) really don't like the numlock key
to be on when the machine comes up. This is a religious issue, so lets
not get into it. :)

 Thankfully there's usually a little light that tells you what state
the keyboard is in. -- Yes, I know, usually after one has been
confused by it.

> Can we take the current nice blue login screen graphic and snap it into the
> GRUB splash screen and also just get the numlock option and the backspace
> key to work?  What would that take ?

 Simply enabling the GRUB splash screen would break every machine with
BIOS console redirection.

 To make this work, we'd need GRUB to reliably detect that it's active
and suppress the image in such a case. GRUB currently has no support
for this.

 It's on my list of things I'd like to see happen, but it's not

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