On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Laszlo (Laca) Peter wrote:

> > Given that GNOME is Sun's forward direction for windowing environments, I
> > have been trying to use it more often
> Well done (:

It's an uphill battle.  GNOME certainly does NOT make it easy for
users coming from CDE--something I think ought to be addressed.

> Some default X resources are set in /usr/dt/config/Xinitrc.jds.
> These ones seem to be related to dtterm:
> *XmText*background: seashell
> *XmTextField*background: seashell
> *background:    #AE00B200C300
> I've tried changing these in ~/.Xdefaults and it worked.  (Not that I
> encourage anyone to use dtterm under GNOME -- I don't remember how
> I survived without tabs ;)

It works here too!

Excellent--that's one thing crossed off my "reasons to not use GNOME yet"
list.  I look forward removing the others...

Many thanks for your help,

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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