I'm a little confused as to what behaviour people want with PageUp/PageDown in gnome-terminal.

I'm running snv_42.

If I run vim inside a gnome-terminal then PageUp/PageDown moves me through the document as I'd expect and want.

If I'm at the shell prompt then I need to press Shift PageUp to move back in the scroll history, or use the scroll bar or the mouse wheel.

This all seems fine and consistent to me.

So what behaviour are people looking for ?

I think the "shift pageup" is somewhat problematic for me.

I prefer the terminal to use all the pg up/down buttons but that's
perhaps because I'm used to editors which don't page with page up/down.

My main issue with GNOME terminal is that it is:

        - very slow
        - pretends to be fast by now showing all the output.
  As an alternative Mrxvt (http://materm.sourceforge.net/) seems to be
  quite capable. It is based on Rxvt so low memory usage, provides multiple
  tabs among various features. And of course is fast. The only usability
  problem is that it is not menu-based.

  However I prefer my terminals use 2MB - 6MB of memory rather than


If in xterm I do cat "/etc/termcap", it takes a while but I see all
text flying by.  GNOME terminal is much quicker but shows me nothing
but the last page and a few bits left and right.

I certainly want a setting which allows me to choose between
pass-thru and use-by-gnome-terminal function keys, just like Xterm does.

Perhaps GNOME allows me to configure this also, but I haven't
found how.

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