
On 7/26/06, Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   From: "Dennis Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Formal Proposal : Port OpenSolaris to PowerPC
   Date: Wed, July 26, 2006 14:01
     To: opensolaris-discuss@OpenSolaris.org


           Formal Proposal : Port OpenSolaris to PowerPC

    This is a project that is already underway but no formal proposal had
been  written or posted  to OpenSolaris.org.  It seems reasonable at this
time to make the proposal.

    I propose that a project be formed to port OpenSolaris to the PowerPC
and POWER Architecture.  The initial  port should  be tightly constrained
to a specific  hardware reference  platform and  based on a 32-bit single
CPU implementation.  Members of the Solaris community have already formed
together in order  to achieve  this and  we have  selected the Genesi ODW
Workstation as  the  hardware platform  for a number of  reasons.  Much
discussion was  held and  the decision stands  within the community.

Genesi has provided numerous units to facilitate the port work and Genesi
staff work closely with the community in both the Solaris world and Linux.

    More information about Genesi may be seen at :


    The initial PowerPC hardware platform may be seen at :


    Code for the port was initially from the OpenSolaris project but Tom
Riddle at Sun Labs has managed to gain access to the Solaris 2.5.1 port.
Please see more info at :


    The result of many weeks of work at Sun Labs is the initial stand
alone PowerPC binary that may be seen booting on the Genesi ODW at :


    The initial GRUB2 bootloader may be found at :


    The code ( pending ) and tasks may be found at :


    The community has accepted the name "Polaris" as the distro name.

The last piece missing is this formal proposal for the port of OpenSolaris
to the PowerPC architecture.

Dennis Clarke
Director Blastwave.org

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