> On 7/27/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I suggest to make /bin/ksh ksh93 from the beginning that you don't
>> >have to deal with any backwards compatibility fuzz later
>> If you want PowerPC Solaris and SPARC/x86 Solaris be that different,
>> then yes; if you want scripts to be compatible I suggest not.
> Why not? ksh93 is mostly backwards compatible to Solaris ksh
> PS: Somehow I have the feeling that Sun doesn't want to see the
> project succeed in replacing ksh88 with ksh93, a feeling which is
> based on the open hostilities from Sun personnel and the permanent
> delays :(

   whoa whoa whoa ...

   relax there guy

   I am certain that the ksh93 implementation is being addressed in a
manner consistent with solid engineering principles.  The issue of
backwards compatibility is critical to the success of Solaris and, in
my less than humble opinion, critical to the success of any port.

   While I am certainly not _fully_ aware of all the issues I can say
with some degree of certainty that wide sweeping slurs will get you
personally no where.  Trust me, I ought to know!

Dennis Clarke

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