Yu Xiangning wrote:
Hello OpenSolaris folks,

I would like to open an OpenSolaris project - Packet Event Framework
(PEF), on behalf of the PEF project team.

The Packet Event Framework project is a follow-on to FireEngine, which
will provide a framework for fine-grain modularity of the network stack
based on the execution of a series of event functions as specified by
the IP classifier.

PEF will provide the following benefits:

    - Better observability as the framework will support dynamic changes
      to an event vector.

    - Improved performance due to:
        - Smaller code footprint by executing the code needed based on
          packet classification only.
        - Iterative execution of events which leads to smaller stack
        - Fewer parses of the packet. Packet parsing is done once at
          classification time.

    - Support for multiple vertical perimeters(squeue_t), so a packet
      can traverse from one squeue_t to the next. Currently FireEngine
      supports a single IP squeue_t requiring packet processing to use
      both STREAMS based queuing and FireEngine IP squeue_t queuing. As
      a result, a packet can be processed totally within PEF and does
      not require any STREAMS processing.

    - CMT(Chip Multi-Threading) based processors will additionally
      benefit from the multiple squeue_t support through pipe-lined
      processing of a connection. Multiple cores and/or threads of a
      core can process different layers of the stack. Also, packet
      fanout of packets such that multiple packets can be simultaneously

Thanks in advance for your support!

- yxn
opensolaris-discuss mailing list


Sounds like this will improve performance significantly,
esp. as networks increase in performance faster than single
cpu cores....

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
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