>> Alan & Dennis,
>> Would it be a consideration to start with a small
>> window manager like WindowMaker, Fluxbox,
>> Enlightenment or IceWM - and then work our way up to
>> Sun JDS (GNOME) for Polaris?
>> I think CDE and OpenWindows are just needed for the
>> compatibility libraries for older commercial apps -
>> right?
>> Ken Mays
>> EarthLink, Inc.
> The downward compatibility argument is valid for x86 and sparc, but void on
> ppc: The new MSB Polaris port will never run any single of the vintage
> 2.5.1/2.6_ppc binaries.
> This also has the efefct, that nobody will ever depend on /usr/openwin/lib
> or /usr/dt/lib.

I was merely looking for the sources to OpenWindows for Polaris.

It may be easier to compile than to port Xfce.

Dennis Clarke

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