Alan DuBoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, I don't feel there's confusion on my part. Debian was always able to 
> seperate free from non-free, and even you as a user have the option to 
> disable non-free software if it bothers you.
> The Debian ethic seems to me, to be a freely distributable system.

The current problem with Debian is that they disregard their ethics rules
and act with arbitrariness. Some people dislike anything but the GPL and
apply pressure on authors that use different licenses.

> Yes, Nexenta is caught up in that, but no different than the rest of the 
> world 
> is, in that regard. Think about it, the freedoms or restrictions placed upon 
> software is really what causes these lines to be drawn in the sand.
> My vision is to see this taken to the next level, to be able to remove all 
> encumbernment, *if desired*, so that a completly free, open, and 
> distributable operating system is available.

I would he glad to see that it's not me who is the only person who is fighting
for unbiased views on Licenses. Discussions with Debian take a looong time and 
are currently not fruitful at all.

> Do I ever get a good burn? Well, I use the media I burn quite often, and it 
> seems to take bits from a disk and place them on a piece of media I stick in 
> the drive and let me reuse them (mostly;-). That's all I require...

I did just see some reports that have been created as cdrw does not write
with the AOpen drive in the Ultra-20. cdrw does not work and gives no reason
for this failure. Cdrecord does print an "imcompatible medium" error message.
BTW: this was Ritek DVD media wich is od very poor quality. It is known that
many drives will not work with them at all.

> I didn't know it was on Nexenta in my install, but thanks for pointing that 
> out...for there will be a day when cdrw doesn't work and cdrecord might, and 
> I will be thankful for that.;-)
> Good to know it's there on Nexenta. I have 2.01.01a03 according to --version. 
> Have they not updated this for some reason Joerg?

Please do not use this Debian junk!

It is completely broken (by Debian) as is the mkisofs program that comes from 
Debian. Note that this is the reason why I started this thread....

If you like to use a working cdrecord, fetch the recent version from:

it is 2.01.1a11. Be sure to also overwrite mkisofs, readcd and cdda2wav.

Debian likes to hide the new features from newer versions from Debian
users because they do not like the CDDL. But even the original 2.01.01a03
was better than the bastardized version from Debian.

BTW: The same is true for star and Debian. 


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