Joerg Schilling wrote:
The very fact you have to read the cdrecord man page in depth is the issue.

This is strange, it seems that you did not realize that it is not possible to use cdrw without reading it's man page. The CLI from cdrw seems to be even worse than the one from cdrecord.

The online help from cdrw is not helpful but confusing.
This is starting to sound like a personal attack on you Jörg, and I certainly don't mean it that way, but last time I was burning a CD, I certainly thought I should try cdrecord, looked at the man page, did cdrecord -?, and went back to `cdrw -i'. It works, I didn't have to read the man page at all, I couldn't be arsed to work out how to drive cdrecord. I hate all the option=xxx, -longoption, -xyz (can you merge them or not ?), etc. dev=xx.yy.zz ? You what ? It all seems so dd'ish, and people use standard option syntax these days. I used star once, and felt the same way: there's no way I can remember the syntax. I use ufsdump, gcp, or gtar these days.

Sorry, I know you contribute a lot to the community and respect what you do, but I can't cope with these odd-ball eccentric commands.



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