On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 01:47 -0700, Alan DuBoff wrote:
> > Nils Nieuwejaar wrote On 08/08/06 21:44,:
> > > Look, you are _never_ going to get complete acceptance.
> On Tuesday 08 August 2006 07:23 pm, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
> > I'm not sure we'll ever get "complete acceptance" as well, and I'm not
> > sure that's realistic. But I understand Alan's point
> I don't think complete acceptance is unrealistic, and would certainly hope 
> that the GPL community would be able to live with CDDL, given the amount of 
> GPL code we have and contribute back to from Sun. A shame for the Nexenta 
> project, because I have to say it's the most impressive to date for the 
> amount of work put into it. Yet, this very project is shadowed because of 
> some license technicalities.

CDDL vs. GPL issue is no longer a concern for Nexenta project. The main
licensing conflict has been resolved during the first GPLv3 draft
discussion. Both sides SUN and FSF agreed that the way Nexenta and
Solaris(!) links GPL software with CDDL is totally OK. Please consider
the rest of claims to Nexenta/Solaris as a FUD and disregard it (this is
what Debian leaders told us).

cdrecord project licensing concerns are different and has little to do
with Nexenta (other than Debian community).


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