> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006, John Martinez wrote:
> > the like. Copying Windows (JDS) is not my idea of "usability."
> Couldn't agree more!

Thirded, if there is such a thing. :) I don't understand the animousity towards 
non-destructive change/possible ideas for the future. I personally am happy 
with CLI on my servers, I don't even consider running OSOL on the desktop 
anymore - I gave up. So, for me, I would never use such GUI tools. I just felt 
if you want desktop users, you should cater to them somewhat as well. Apple has 
done many things wrong, but out of all the GUIs I've used (short of something 
like Nextstep - and this is kinda apple-ish) Apple has done the best. 

Cloning the basics of windows and extending it for your purposes is status quo 
nowadays for unices. I understand the logic/reasoning, it's easier for new 
users to learn - but there is something to be said for breaking the mold now 
and then. Desktop design is one of those nasty little areas that we've been 
stuck in a rut for a LONG time in. Oh well, I'm typing this on an OSX laptop, 
and sending it via Sun Java Messenging Server, can't complain. Best server os: 
osol, best desktop os: osx. Maybe some decade somebody will get the equation 
figured out and combine the best of both.

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