emm.... Solaris Exress 5/06?

I remember the version of my solaris10 is 6/06 (it should not be an Express,
just a formal release) just like following:

bash-3.00# uname -a
SunOS cluster-1 5.10 Generic_118833-17 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200

That means I should reinstall whole OS? Is there any patches can upgrade
zonecfg alone?

Thanks in advance

"David Comay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> дÈëÓʼþ
> Starting with Solaris Express 5/06 (as well as the upcoming Solaris 10
update), you can
> assignextra privileges to a zone using the "limitpriv" property.  In your
particular example,
> you would perform the following for a zone named "myzone"
> # zonecfg -z myzone
> zonecfg:myzone> set limitpriv="default,proc_priocntl"
> zonecfg:myzone> commit
> The next time the zone boots, your application should be able to set its
> parameters using sched_setscheduler(3RT).
> Note that you still will not be able to change the *default* scheduling
class using
> dispadmin(1M) as this is a global zone only function.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org

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