> On 8/24/06, Dan Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu 24 Aug 2006 at 12:35AM, Roland Mainz wrote:
>> > > I have a couple of questions regarding the
shape of the
>> > > project:

 < hack slash burn snip >

> Maybe IBM is right and Opensolaris is just a big
FAKE project and
> contributions by external persons are only taken if
they please Sun

 Man, I don't know what to say really.  On the one
hand IBM tosses out
some things about how the OpenSolaris project is all
behind the 
over at Sun.  Anyone can look at the site and see that
"Our lawyer is
making us say that OpenSolaris is a trademark of Sun
Anyone with half a wit can read that.  Its a
registered trademark of 
big ol'profit seeking Sun and its shareholder and
board of directors 
etc.  Golly gee wiz wow.  Who would have figured that
a Silicon Valley
giant could create a site and stick a trademark on it
and then have the
total intestinal fortitude to open source their crown
jewel operating
system along with the process that builds it!  Yeah,
anyone looking at
that would surely think "damn Sun! look! look! they

I have no patience this morning.  I have been awake
all night long 
with guys half way around the planet to get a new
OpenSolaris based 
up and running on an dual CPU AMD64 box that is a hunk
of junk.  I 
my coffee and I'm in a basement piled with junk and
computer parts. 
Bochnig is in Germany with piles of computers all
around him in a tiny
little apartment and James Dickens is in Milwaukee and
walked and 
and chatted for ten hours or more to get this thing up
and running. 
of us work for Sun.  Heck, none of us are really
"working" bu anyones
corporate definition of the term.  But we sure as hell
got this going
last night :
 We were not paid by anybody and we don't work for Sun

we are all members of the OpenSolaris project and the
source code comes
from there.  At least all the bits that are open but
Martin had to hand
craft an AMD64-bit version of the aperature driver and
man, it works!

There are a pile of Sun people working in this project
and they have to
fight internal battles daily.  We don't see all that. 
The battles out
here in the open source world are usually very
transparent and visible
and sometimes ugly.  The GNOME 2.14 work at Blastwave
is six weeks in
and we still don't have it working real well.  Heck,
its cludgey.  I 
on the phone yesterday ( day before? I have lost days
) with Sun 
in which we talked about the Apache 2.2 builds and
OpenSSL issues and 
can we push out optimal packages to the Solaris user
world easily.

We are workign together and we are definately
enriching the whole user
base in the Solaris world as well as Linux and the
Apple users and
whomever else decides to look at the source and adopt
it.  I don't know
what else you were wanting.  Now I'm dead blind tired
and got to get
a _pile_ of things done today but I wanted some sort
of external 
geek to let you know a different from the

Dennis Clarke

Oh the tangled web.....

Yet as for the comment about Blastwave's GNOME - a lot
of the old problems are fixed or being fixed if you
have access to the latest packages. Kludgey?? With
those nice screenshots of KDE we were provided with,
just see what MetaCity does for GNOME once the
composition manager is enabled... Xgl, gotta love

As for comments about Sun, everybody has a bone to
pick these days. OpenSolaris was the rainbow bringing
an 'enterprise-grade' OS to the opensource world. We
had *BSD and Linux for a long time, now we have
OpenSolaris distros running on production systems and
bringing in the latest commercial compilers for free.
I'm sure BSDi and a afew others missed that boat...

Yes, we know the issue about those nasty trademarks
yet I wouldn't want anyone putting my product name as
their own - nevertheless a nice project name or idea
as their own. Nasty legal issues. of course there
could be some sort of loose trademark agreement so we
wouldn't feel our lollipops tasted 'less sweet'... 

See what happens when you start saying OpenA*X 5L for
~ Ken Mays 

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