Munish writes:
> I am a newbie here. I need some help in installing the libsmbios libraries. I 
> am building some proprietary SNMP agents and it requires libsmbios libraries. 
> These libraries are something like libsmbios, libsmbiosxml etc.
> I need these for x86 architecture for solaris 9. 

Solaris 9 isn't Open Solaris, and the libraries you're referring to
don't exist on Solaris 9, as far as I can tell.

And on Open Solaris, libsmbios isn't yet a documented interface, so it
would be unwise for a project outside of the ON consolidation (part of
Open Solaris) to link to it.  It's not documented because it may still
change in incompatible ways without warning.

I don't think there's a supported solution for what you're trying to
do here.

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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