On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, UNIX admin wrote:

> OK Rich, if "Sun's Solaris" is based on OpenSolaris, meaning it is
> Sun's distribution of OpenSolaris, what is the distinction?

Very simply, Sun takes what is in OpenSolaris, removes some stuff
and adds some other stuff.  The result is the Solaris we all love.
If you start with something, and then remove and add things, the
net result can't possibly be what you started with.  Hence, Solaris
is not OpenSolaris: it an OpenSolaris distribution.

The story is the same for the other OpenSolaris distros: they start
with the OpenSolaris base, add and subtract stuff, and end up with
their own OpenSolaris distribution.

Another way to look at it is this: if we have three entities
(Solaris (S), OpenSolaris (OS), and Nextenta (N)), then you
are asserting the following:

        S == OS and OS == S

By the logic a paragraph or two back, you are also implicitly
asserting that

        N == OS and OS == N

If S == OS and N == OS, then S must == N.  But it doesn't: Solaris
and Nextenta are very different beasts.  Therefore the assertion
that S == OS is wrong.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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